Sheet Metal Cutting and Fabrication G11
- Customer: Sheet metal cutting and fabrication
- Reason for audit: Fixed speed compressor, exploring savings
- Current compressor: Atlas Copco G11P (11kw)
- Cost of electricity: £0.34 /kWh (average cost)
- Results of Audit: Measured potential savings 67% = £10,049/year
- Simulated compressor: Atlas Copco GA7VSDs (7kW) IE5
- ROI on equipment: 9 months
How did this GA11VSDs compressor save so much energy and money?
Atlas Copcos state-of-the-art element in a unique vertical configuration with an ultra-premium efficiency (IE5) ferrite assisted synchronous reluctance motor. This new motor technology equals IE5 efficiency without the need of rare earth materials, making it a completely sustainable solution.
Green is loaded running efficient use of power.
Orange is unloaded running, not producing air wasted electricity.
The compressor is a typical fixed speed unit, currently a little oversized for the air demand and running normally, we can see from the volume of off-load running, that there is great potential to save with a variable speed drive replacement.
Weekly Flow chart (l/s)
Survey results